It has come to our attention that there has been viscous rumors being told on social networking sites. This bulletin I hope will in fact lay to rest a lot of them. Rural Ga Rottie Animal Rescue has moved and over the past few months have settled in quite nicely. We look forward to continuing our work saving Rotties on Deathrow.
What prompted the move was a severe flea infestation. Yes, the Ga Dept of Agriculture placed a stop movement order on the rescue. At which time, the decision was made to remove the dogs from the infested property. Approximately, 15 days later Ga Dept of Ag reinspected the animals at the new facility and the order was lifted.
Anyone and everyone that has questions or concerns about the well being of my rescues are welcomed to email me and we will schedule a day in which you are welcome to come out and see any and every dog I have in my possession.
I am also gonna place a photo album on this site as to each and every Rottie I have in my possession.
Again, email me with any and all concerns. Thanks for your patience in this matter as the move was very lengthy.